Gamma Analysis Software GammaPRO
GammaPRO provides all the tools necessary for separate peak analysis, namely:
- energy calibration;
- direct peak search in spectrum and peak search considering the radionuclides and their peak energies specified in the library;
- peak and multiplet fit by Gaussian and other functions;
- automatic identification of peaks;
- considering count sample density as a calculation parameter;considering background as a calculation parameter;
- calculation of efficiency curves (efficiency calibration), FWHM calibration, peak shape calibration.
The matrix method enables automatic calculation of activity of a sample provided its radionuclide composition is known. The method is used for routine measurements of food, building materials, water and other substances subject for permanent radiological control.
The superposition method is mainly used for control of correctness of activity calculations in case of hard-to-analyse (multiple peak) low-resolution spectra (acquired by scintillation detectors). Such a tool enables visual estimate of the degree of similarity between an acquired and calculated spectrum. Additionally, calculation data can be adjusted until the spectra completely coincide.
The Software features an integrated system for report generation which provides automatic creation of measurement results. The settings for report generation can be adjusted by user.
Nuclide Master Plus software package has been developed for calculation of registration efficiency and correction factors for true coincidences. It is also used for correction of gamma radiation intensities in radionuclides library. EffCalcMC (Efficiency Calculation Monte-Carlo) is the main program.
TCCFCALC (True Coincidence Correction Factor CALCulation) utility has been added for:
- Calculation of true coincidence correction factor and correction of gamma radiation intensities in radionuclides library
- Calculation of registration efficiency
If the file with correction factors is included into SpectraLine processing software, the correction of the processed results of activity calculation, distorted by the true coincidence effect are done automatically.
TCCFCALC utility
True-coincidence summing in/out effect represents a serious problem in different applications of gamma-spectrometry strongly influencing accuracy of the obtained analytical results. To solve this problem a special utility TCCFCALC (True Coincidence Correction Factor CALCulation) was created. It allows to perform calculations for any known gamma-emitting radionuclides and for a wide set of measurement geometries including scintillation and HPGe detectors with point and volumetric sources (Marinelli or cylindrical beaker with arbitrary dimensions).
The calculation is based on the Monte-Carlo method with application of the most complete, precise and recent decay data from Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File (ENSDF), which is supplied together with the program. Routine updating of the ENSDF library, carried out by the IAEA’s Nuclear Data Section, and their accessibility via Internet provides the possibility to perform calculations always with up-to-date decay data of the selected nuclide.
High precision and reliability of calculations with TCCFCALC, which were confirmed by numerous tests, were achieved due to the most complete consideration of the physical processes, contributing to the true-coincidence summing. In addition to gamma-gamma correlations they include correlations between gamma-rays and annihilation photons accompanying b+decay and correlations between gamma-rays and X-rays of K- and L- series emitted as a result of the internal conversion and electron capture processes. Besides the spatial correlations of gamma-rays (so called gamma-rays angular correlations) and time dynamics of a decay (finite live-times of exited states of a daughter nucleus) are taken into account.
Due to the indicated unique features of TCCFCALC, nowadays this code is the most adequate and the most precise tool for calculating true-coincidence correction factors ensuring state-of-the-art gamma-spectrometry measurements up to the highest world standards.
Alpha Analysis Software AlphaPRO
The program AlphaPRO is the continuation of the program GammaPRO with some limitations, but focuses on the tasks of alpha spectrometry. AlphaPRO employs different algorithms for determining activity in samples (ROI-method with overdetermined matrix, individual peaks analysis method, superposition method). For the analysis of high resolution spectra (spectra received on semiconductor spectrometers) there separate tools (search peaks, Gaussian approximation, identification, plotting efficiency curves, etc.).
Alpha Analysis Software SpectraLineADA
The SpectraLineADA (Alpha Decay Analysis) software package has been developed for alpha-spectrometric analysis with spectrometers based on either semiconductor detectors or ionization chambers.
Gamma Analysis Software SpectraLineGP
The software is provided with precision spectra processing functions. The spectra processing includes procedures of calibration, finding of the peak parameters, radionuclide identification, activity calculation, and correction allowance for true summation in view of the subsequent gamma-ray intensity correction. The use of a nonparametric model for complete visualization of absorption peaks makes it possible to create an adequate model for any energy range line. The possibility of integrating external software packages allows for the use of SpectraLineGP software as an auxiliary instrument in order to implement the user methodologies for solving non-standard spectrometric problems. For convenience, several operations associated with spectra processing can be written in the scenario format.
SpectraLineGP offers the following options:
- Color scheme adjustment of the window
- Data copying into the spectrum windows
- Addition/deletion of peaks and zones in a spectrum
- Viewing the parameters of indicated zones or separate peaks
- Zone integration or splitting into smaller zones
- Viewing of calibration results, corrections, calculations, etc.
It is possible to create libraries of arbitrary (optional) configuration depending on the task to be solved is involved in the program.
Information is provided on the radionuclide designation, its half-life period, line energy, line intensity, and absolute error.
The program has a built-in editor, which allows making up the reports of various forms and connecting external programs.
SpectraLine supports the most well-known spectra formats:
*.spc (SPC “Aspect”);
*.chn (Ortec);
*.mca (BSI, XIA);
*.cnf (Canberra);
*.asc (IAEA);
*.ats (Atomtex);
*.spm (extended, “LSRM”).
Calibration Software EffMaker
Modelling of gamma-spectra and calculation of registration efficiency for complex shaped objects EffMaker performs mathematical efficiency calibration (without using calibration sources) of the detector for arbitrary measurement geometries, different shapes and dimensions of the source, disposal and distance from the detector, content and density of the matrix. The calculation of registration efficiency is carrying out on the base of Monte-Carlo method by the EffMaker software for containers with arbitrary geometries and composition such as (sphere, cylinder, parallelepiped etc.).
Detector characterization and for example the following templates of geometries could be provided:
- Complex parallelepiped;
- Complex cylinder;
- Pipe;
- Marinelli;
- Pipe with internal/external contamination;
- Square pipe with internal/external contamination;
- Room/parallelepiped with contaminated internal surface;
- Wall/plate;
- Other geometries according to customer needs including multilayer geometries.
Quality Assurance Package
Your Gamma or Alpha analysis software can be extended with Quality Assurance package in order to guarantee maximum precision of your measurement. For more information, please contact us.
SpectraLineGIS Software Package
SpectraLineGIS software package has been developed for radiation, chemical, radiological monitoring and for the creation of contamination maps.
Readings are taken from the detector as a snapshot or in the real-time mode with the time interval specified in the settings. In both cases the measured values are displayed on the map and on the graph and stored in the database along with the coordinates. The dose ranges are colored depending on the categorization requirements.
Sources Searching
The location of the radiation source is determined on the basis of the measured dose distribution. Then the source can be identified.
Spectra Processing
The activity is calculated using the determined distance between the spectrum acquisition point and the radiation source. Single spectrum and the spectra sum can be processed.
The spectra saved in SpectraLine database are used as radiation and background sources. The software provides:
- The connection of any spectrometer via configuration interface
- Spectra acquisition and processing using SpectraLine
- Spectra transferring to SpectraLine for the precision processing